National Science Foundation programs support and place a high priority on efforts to improve science, mathematics, engineering, and technology education and training at all levels: pre-kindergarten through secondary, undergraduate, graduate, and public science literacy. In addition, special emphasis is placed on increasing participation among groups which have been historically underrepresented in science and engineering fields. Other important efforts include programs for evaluation and communication, which ensure that education programs achieve their goals and that program and project outcomes reach a wide audience. Much of NSF's support is associated with the federal interagency effort to improve science, mathematics, engineering and technology education.
NSF fosters the natural connections between learning and discovery. When research resides alongside education and training, the rewards of discovery are shared more quickly and disseminated more widely. Support for education and training includes most activities funded through the Education and Human Resources appropriation, as well as those programs funded through the Research and Related Activities appropriation that accomplish education and training objectives through the tie to research programs.
(Millions of Dollars)
Pre K-12
The goal of NSF's programs at the Pre K-12 level is for all students to succeed in mathematics, science, and technology. To accomplish this goal, NSF programs are directed at teachers, students, curriculum development, and systemic reform. NSF's systemic reform efforts aim to make lasting improvements in science, mathematics, and technology education at the state level, in urban centers, and in rural regions. The systemic approach involves broad partnerships in the development of goals, solutions, and actions. Teacher enhancement and teacher preparation programs strengthen teachers' knowledge and pedagogical skills and create a network of teachers who are better able to foster reform. Pre K-12 curricula are enhanced through the instructional materials development program.
The FY 1997 Budget Request of $376 million is an increase of $7 million, or 1.8 percent, over the FY 1996 Estimate. In FY 1997, support will focus in the following activities: systemic reform, particularly the urban and rural systemic initiatives; teacher preparation and enhancement; and advanced technological education. Efforts integrating research and education include a new Pre K-12 math and science assessment activity and expansion of Pre K-12 education projects integrated with relevant research activities. Coordinating some projects in minority student participation and informal science education through relevant systemic initiatives permits modest reductions in these areas. Funding for Statewide Systemic Initiatives will decline as part of a phase-out in awards, planned since the program's inception.
NSF's programs support many facets of undergraduate education, including instrumentation and laboratory improvement, curriculum development, faculty enhancement, and undergraduate student research. In order to improve the quality of undergraduate courses and curricula in the sciences, NSF provides funds to encourage the development of multi- and interdisciplinary courses as well as to encourage science, mathematics, and engineering faculty members to take leadership in developing educational experiences that enhance the competence of prospective teachers.
NSF programs which address undergraduate needs include:
Undergraduate activities will total $159 million in FY 1997, an increase of $17 million, or 11.8 percent, over the FY 1996 Estimate. FY 1997 priorities in undergraduate activities include expansion of the Comprehensive Undergraduate Education Reform program initiated in FY 1996 and enhancements to the Advanced Technological Education projects and Alliances for Minority Participation. The Model Institutions for Excellence program will remain at the FY 1996 level. Undergraduate programs also include support for Engineering Education Coalitions and interdisciplinary mentoring programs for minorities.
NSF's graduate education programs are designed to improve the human resource base of science and engineering in the United States and to increase the participation of scientists and engineers from groups that are traditionally underrepresented in advanced levels of science, mathematics, and engineering. Programs include:
Graduate and postdoctoral programs will total $106 million in FY 1997, an increase of $11 million, or 11.0 percent, over the FY 1996 Estimate. In FY 1997, a new class of Graduate Research Traineeships will be funded and the Graduate Research Fellowships program will be enhanced to allow an increase in the education allowance. A new science education postdoctoral program for production of K-12 and undergraduate level professionals will be initiated. In addition, increases will include support for international postdoctoral fellows and for industry-based fellowships for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows. A new competition is planned for Research Training Groups.
Other Support for Education and Training
NSF supports programs to promote public understanding of science, mathematics, engineering, and technology (SMET), including the collection, analysis, and dissemination of data on U.S. and international resources devoted to science, engineering, and technology. The FY 1997 Budget Request is $17 million, a decrease of $800,000, or 4.4 percent, from the FY 1996 Estimate. Increases for data collection, analysis, and evaluation of selected data systems will be offset by decreases in programs promoting public interest and literacy in SMET.