The FY 2003 Budget Request for the Environmental Biology
(DEB) Subactivity is $99.77 million, a decrease of $2.72 million, or 2.7
percent, from the FY 2002 Current Plan of $102.49 million.
(Millions of Dollars)
FY 2001
FY 2002
Current Plan
FY 2003
Environmental Biology Research Projects
Total, Environmental Biology
The Environmental Biology Subactivity supports fundamental
research on the origins, functions, relationships, interactions, and evolutionary
history of populations, species, communities, and ecosystems. Studies
can be conducted in any natural or human-impacted biotic system of the
world, and can address the genealogical relationships among plants, animals,
and microbes; the flux of energy and materials that sustain or degrade
ecological communities; and the principles or rules by which species function
in ecosystems and evolve through time. National activities supported include
the Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis and the network of Long
Term Ecological Research (LTER) sites.
In FY 2003, activities in the DEB Subactivity are decreased
by $2.72 million. This reflects the restructuring of the BIO budget structure
to establish the new Emerging Frontiers Subactivity, which was established
as an incubator for evolving multidisciplinary research and networking
activities. Within the budget request, DEB will include support for:
- Genomics: Major activities supported by DEB utilize approaches
and tools developed through the genomics revolution. Topics include
the magnitude and role of biodiversity, both at the genetic and organismal
level, on ecosystem processes; evolution and development; microbial
ecology, the impacts of climate change on living organisms and ecological
systems; and the origin and diversification of life forms.
Example: A massive interdisciplinary collecting enterprise is taking
place in Gaoligongshan, in southwestern Yunnan, China, a biodiversity
hotspot. Plants, fungi, arthropods, diatoms, and vertebrates will be
collected, described, and made available for future study. A large number
of cooperating specialists will be involved, and collaboration with
Chinese colleagues and other institutions (Edinburgh, Missouri Botanic
Garden, Harvard) has been established. Database compilation and analysis,
and GIS mapping are planned. Theis study is important for the data that
will be generated will provide fundamental knowledge about species distributions
and evolutionary origins, as well as critical information needed for
the conservation efforts. to follow, and for In addition, new the international
collaborations that will be established.
- Systems Biology: Other areas take advantage of recent advances
in computation, mathematics and modeling techniques to address biological
complexity. Research areas include modeling ecosystem dynamics in real
time, computational biology, and conservation biology and restoration
ecology. Basic research in ecology and evolution is sustained through
disciplinary programs, all of which are undergoing long-term transformation
as they incorporate new methods and tools from genomics, computer science,
and mathematics. The acquisition and analysis of very large environmental
datasets; organismal data from field studies and natural history collections;
and molecular data from genomic sequencing all require new integrative
approaches and skills.
Example: A study will examine the impact of the introduction of non-native
species as biocontrol agents on non-target species, and on human health.
The gallfly was introduced to Montana to control invasive knapweed.
The larvae within the galls serve as an important food source for deer
mice over winter, and this additional food source may cause increases
in the mouse populations. In Montana, deer mice are the primary vectors
for the Hantavirus, a potentially fatal human disease. Rapid execution
of tThis research may aid in the management and prevention of the spread
of Hantavirus, and will further alert us to the impacts of non-native
biocontrol agents on native species and communities. SeveralThese types
of long- term and large-scale ecological studies are helping scientists
to begin to understand the importance of complexity in biological systems
and the interface between biodiversity and ecosystem functions.