The FY 2002 Budget Request for the Biological Infrastructure
(DBI) Subactivity is $72.49 million, a decrease of $2.32 million,
or 3.1 percent, from the FY 2001 Current Plan of $74.82 million.
(Millions of Dollars)
Actual |
Current Plan |
Request |
Change |
Amount |
Percent |
Research Resources |
-2.42 |
-4.1% |
Human Resources |
0.10 |
0.6% |
Total, Biological
Infrastructure |
-$2.33 |
-3.1% |
The goal of the Biological Infrastructure Subactivity
(DBI) is to ensure that essential infrastructure for contemporary
research is available to scientists in all areas of biological science,
from the molecular to the ecosystem level, for both disciplinary
and interdisciplinary efforts. Resources supported range from physical
infrastructure, such as multi-user instrumentation, to training
in biological research for students at undergraduate and postdoctoral
levels. In addition, teams of biologists, mathematicians, physicists,
chemists, computer scientists, and engineers are supported to develop
new research tools such as databases, informatics, and new instrumentation
for the biological sciences. Also included in DBI's responsibilities
is development of research resources, such as genome sequencing
of rice and improvement of natural history collections and biological
field stations.
The Research Resources program supports a
range of activities including multi-user instrumentation; the development
of instruments with new capabilities, improved resolution or sensitivity;
upgrades to biological field stations and marine laboratories; support
of living stock collections ranging from microbes to plants and
animals; development of biological databases and informatics tools;
and research collections in biological sciences. These various research
resources provide the essential platforms and tools for effective
research in modern biology.
Today's research in biological sciences produces
massive amounts of disparate types of data. Making the data available
and accessible to the research community has become a major challenge.
At the same time, it has opened up an opportunity to develop innovative
solutions to the problem and DBI is investing increasingly in research
on biological databases and bioinformatics tools. For example, this
program has supported the development of an innovative informatics
project called "Specify." The project is a collaboration
of the museum community, a supercomputer center, and biodiversity
researchers, and has developed web-based software tools for cataloguing
biological resource collections distributed all over the world.
These tools allow individual collections to submit data directly
into an integrated species database and allow individual researchers
to use the data for their research. "Specify" supports
research in diverse biological systems (plants, mammals, birds,
fish, etc.). By using "Specify" as a tool, investigators
were able to produce highly useful datasets and experimental materials
such as the genome map and chromosome-specific DNA clone libraries
of a fungus, and a predictive model of the movement of an invasive
species. All of the resources are placed in the public domain and
are widely used by the community. The project also provides a number
of education and outreach opportunities including summer research
experiences for students who are members of underrepresented groups.
The Human Resources program supports a range
of activities centered on broadening participation, ensuring adequately
and appropriately trained scientists for the future, and fostering
the integration of research and education. These activities include
postdoctoral research fellowships, sites for biological research
experiences for undergraduates, and the NSF-wide program for Integrative
Graduate Education and Research Training (IGERT). The interdisciplinary
nature of the research training activities is especially effective
in integrating frontier research with education at the undergraduate,
graduate, and postdoctoral levels and in fostering both industrial
and international experiences for participating students.
The Research Resources program will provide infrastructure
support of $56.04 million for:
Information Technology Research (ITR):
Support within the DBI Subactivity includes biological informatics
and databases to support interdisciplinary research on the development
of informatics tools necessary to advance the biological sciences,
which is now essential given dramatic increases in the kinds and
amount of data being generated and used by biologists. The entire
biological science community will use these tools.
Genome-Enabled Science: DBI will provide
infrastructure support, including continued participation in the
international rice genome sequencing project, collection and distribution
of genome research resources such as DNA libraries and living
stocks, and development of interactive databases of genomics information.
Systems Biology: Focus will be on developing
instrumentation and techniques for systems biology, including
complex sensors and imaging systems, new analytical capabilities,
and virtual instrumentation facilities that allow real time experimentation
via remote Internet access.
The Human Resources program will provide support
of $16.45 million for programs that broaden participation while
fostering the integration of research and education, including:
Innovative Research Experiences for Undergraduates
(REU) sites projects that utilize non-traditional ideas such as
industry internships or international experience to increase the
scope of undergraduate research experience and to expand the target
groups to community college students and K-12 school teachers,
as well as aspiring teachers. Increased participation of under-represented
minorities is a top priority for this activity.