
In order to achieve the NSF mission, one of the agencys
key strategies is to support the most promising ideas in research and
education. The expected outcomes of these investments are a fundamental
knowledge base that enhances progress in all science and engineering areas
and partnerships that connect discovery to innovation, learning and service
to society.
(Millions of Dollars)
FY 2000
Estimate |
FY 2001
Estimate |
FY 2002
Estimate |
Ideas |
$1,962 |
$2,251 |
$2,220 |
FY 2002 support for Ideas totals $2,220 million, a decrease
of $31 million, or 1.4 percent, below FY 2001. This provides funding for
research projects that include researchers and postdoctoral associates
as well as undergraduate and graduate assistants. Funds are also provided
for items necessary for performing research, such as instrumentation and
supplies, and for related costs such as travel and conference support.
Research in core disciplinary areas as well as studies within NSFs
four priority areas are included within funding for Ideas. Through outreach
activities, NSF seeks out and supports excellent proposals from groups
and regions that traditionally have not fully participated in science,
mathematics, and engineering.
Support provided primarily to further NSFs other
strategic outcomes, People and Tools, is essential for facilitating Ideas
discovery across the frontier of science and engineering, connected
to learning, innovation, and service to society. NSFs investment
in People promotes the integration of research and education and ensures
that the U.S. has world-class scientists and engineers, a workforce that
is scientifically and mathematically strong, and a public that understands
and can take full advantage of basic concepts of science, mathematics,
engineering and technology. Support for Tools provides access to state-of-the
art facilities and platforms which are essential for world-class research.
In FY 2002, NSF will continue its efforts to increase the
average size of awards. This effort will contribute to increasing the
efficiency of the Foundations merit review process and achieve greater
cost-effectiveness for both NSF and the university community.
The FY 2002 Request focuses on areas that build strength
in the science and engineering disciplines, enable the development of
new and emerging fields, and provide leadership to improve the health
and continued vitality of the Nations science, mathematics, engineering,
and technology (SMET) education.
Areas of emphasis within NSFs core research
will include:
Interdisciplinary mathematics: $20.0 million
will enhance the transfer of results and applications from mathematics
and statistics research to the science and engineering disciplines,
challenge the limits of current mathematical theories, and develop
a new cadre of researchers who are trained in both mathematics and
Research in cognitive neuroscience: emphases
on the neuroscience of child development, language, and social behavior.
Genome enabled science: emphases on activities
from genome sequencing and the assembly of primary sequence databases
through functional analyses, also known as functional genomics,
to integrative research.
Quantum science and engineering: address
new opportunities in the quantum realms of physics, materials research,
chemistry, biological molecules, mathematics, quantum computing and
quantum communications, cosmology and engineering.
Planetary energetics and dynamics: studies
of tectonic and mass-energy dynamics at the continent-ocean interface
will aid in the mitigation and prediction of earthquakes, storms,
and storm tracks.
Human-computer systems: emphases include
instantaneous translation, access to meaningful information, and information
relevant to contexts.
Engineering the service industry: emphasize
decentralized decision making and information sharing in complex systems.
The Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive
Research (EPSCoR), a State-NSF partnership, will continue to support
improvements in academic research competitiveness. In FY 2002, funding
for EPSCoR through the Education and Human Resources appropriation
totals $74.81 million. Linkages between EPSCoR and other NSF-supported
research activities are expected to result in up to $25 million in
additional funding directed to research in EPSCoR states.
The Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR)
program is supported at the mandated level of at least 2.5 percent
of extramural research. The program will total $70.65 million, level
with FY 2001.
Also included within support for Ideas are funds for fundamental
research within the Foundations four priority areas:
Biocomplexity in the Environment (BE) At
the leading edge of environmental science and engineering, this multidisciplinary
priority area focuses on understanding interdependency, complexity, and
human influences in natural systems. Activities explore new models of
dynamic behavior, feedback between highly-coupled systems across spatial
and temporal scales, and relationships between organisms and their physical
environments. This investment will increase our understanding of human
impacts on the environment; improve scientific and technical capabilities
for environmental studies, data management, and long-term investigations;
and enhance our ability to forecast environmental conditions, thus improving
environmental decision-making.
Information Technology Research (ITR) To
improve ways to gather, store, analyze, share and display information,
this multi-agency priority area, led by NSF, expands research on software,
networking, scalability, and communications. The program increases access
to terascale computing power, enabling researchers to tackle problems
previously considered too complex to address such as long-range
weather forecasting, simulation of galaxy formation, and protein folding.
FY 2002 will expand our research in multidisciplinary areas, focusing
on fundamental research at the interfaces between scientific areas, including
information technology. Additional investments will support research on
the uses and impact of IT on our society, on our economy, and on our educational
system. Because the information technology sector has contributed substantially
to recent U.S. economic growth, these investments must remain a top priority.
Nanoscale Science and Engineering In its
second year, the multi-agency National Nanotechnology Initiative will
expand fundamental research on phenomena at molecular and atomic scales
and develop new techniques to facilitate application. Recent advances
have already begun to spawn useful new materials and promising innovations
that will touch every part of our lives, from our medicine cabinets
with targeted drug delivery systems, vaccines, and electronic biosensors
to detect cancer in its earliest stages to our workplace
with faster, more efficient computers and networks. As countries currently
compete for global preeminence in these technologies, this investment
will strengthen U.S. leadership and boost efforts to build a nanotech-ready
Learning for the 21st Century
The multidisciplinary learning research component of this priority area
contributes to NSFs investment in Ideas. It involves cross-cutting
research incorporating fields such as design of learning environments,
human-computer interactions, cognitive psychology, cognitive neuroscience,
computational linguistics, child development, sociology, and complex educational
systems. Activities in this element include the Interagency Education
Research Initiative (IERI), the Research on Learning and Education (ROLE)
program, and other research activities related to child learning and cognitive
NSF supports a variety of individual centers and centers
programs which contribute to NSFs investment in Ideas. The centers
play a key role in furthering the advancement of science and engineering
in the U.S., particularly through their encouragement of interdisciplinary
research and the integration of research and education. While the programs
are diverse, the centers generally share common commitments:
To address scientific and engineering questions
with a long-term, coordinated research effort. Center programs involve
a number of scientists and engineers working together on fundamental
research addressing the many facets of complex problems;
To include a strong educational component that
establishes a team-based cross-disciplinary research and education
culture to train the nations next generation of scientists and
engineers to be leaders in academe, industry and government; and
To develop partnerships with industry that help
to ensure that research and education are relevant to national needs
and that knowledge migrates into innovations in the private sector.
The center programs which contribute to the
Ideas goal are listed below.
(Millions of Dollars)
Year of Program Initiation |
FY 2000 No. of Centers |
FY 2000 Estimate |
FY 2001 Estimate |
FY 2002 Estimate |
Engineering Research Centers and Groups |
1985 |
36 |
55 |
63 |
62 |
Science & Technology Centers |
1987 |
17 |
52 |
41 |
45 |
Industry/University Cooperative Research
Centers |
1973 |
53 |
5 |
5 |
5 |
State/Industry/University Cooperative
Research Centers |
1991 |
3 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Centers of Research Excellence in Science
and Technology |
1987 |
10 |
9 |
9 |
9 |
Plant Genome Virtual Centers |
1998 |
23 |
31 |
31 |
31 |
Materials Centers |
1994 |
29 |
54 |
58 |
54 |
Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis |
1995 |
1 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
Long-Term Ecological Research Program |
1980 |
24 |
17 |
17 |
17 |
Earthquake Engineering Research Centers |
1988 |
3 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
Chemistry Centers |
1998 |
12 |
10 |
9 |
9 |
Mathematical Sciences Research Institutes |
1982 |
3 |
8 |
8 |
15 |
Information Technology Centers |
2000 |
33 |
33 |
50 |
53 |
Other Centers1 |
NA |
3 |
6 |
9 |
15 |
250 |
$288 |
$309 |
$325 |
FY 2002 support for centers is about $325 million, an increase
of approximately $15 million over FY 2001.
Information Technology Centers, initiated in
FY 2000, support fundamental research in information technology that
incorporates scientific applications or addresses social, ethical
and workforce issues. An increment of $3.0 million for this program
will provide support for an additional 3-5 awards in FY 2002.
FY 2002 funding of $62.32 million will support
20 ongoing Engineering Research Centers and 16 Engineering Research
Groups. FY 2002 funding of $5.99 million will be provided for the
three ongoing Earthquake Engineering Centers. These centers have formed
partnerships with industry and other practitioners to produce significant
knowledge, technology and educational advances that strengthen industry
and prepare a science and technology workforce capable of innovating
in a broad range of technology fields.
NSF will continue support for the Science
and Technology Centers program. Support at a level of $19.49 million
for the five new centers awarded in FY 2000 will continue. Funding
for the remaining 12 STCs in the second cohort ends in FY 2001 in
accordance with plans. The rollover of these funds will support an
FY 2002 competition at a level of $25.62 million to establish a new
cohort of STCs.
Funding for Materials Centers will decrease
by $3.31 million to a total of $54.25 million. Up to three new Materials
Research Science and Engineering Centers and one new International
Materials Institute will be established through open competition for
a total of $4.0 million. Funding will be generated by phasing out
existing Centers. The new centers will focus on critical areas such
as nanoscience and engineering, information technology, and the interface
between materials and biology.
The Physics Centers program will increase by
$5.50 million, to a total of $10.50 million, to establish at least
two additional Physics Frontier Centers. This will support a total
of up to four centers to catalyze new areas such as atom lasers, quantum
information science, computational physics, biological physics, and
As part of the interdisciplinary mathematics
area of emphasis, increased funding of $7.0 million for the Mathematical
Sciences Research Institutes will provide support for up to four new
Institutes in interdisciplinary mathematical sciences.

Additional information for selected centers supported by
NSF is provided below:
(Millions of Dollars)
Number of
Institutions |
Partners |
Total NSF
Support |
Support |
Number of Participants |
Engineering Research Centers
and Groups 1 |
147 |
439 |
$55 |
$100 |
10,482 |
Science & Technology
Centers |
91 |
160 |
$52 |
$76 |
2,756 |
Industry/University Cooperative
Research Centers and State/Industry/University/Cooperative Research
Centers |
115 |
753 |
$6 |
$69 |
1,901 |
Centers of Research Excellence
in Scienceand Technology |
10 |
96 |
$9 |
$9 |
2,900 |
Plant Genome Virtual Centers |
50 |
27 |
$31 |
$3 |
2,800 |
Materials Centers |
80 |
280 |
$54 |
$55 |
5,500 |
Long Term Ecological Research
Program |
167 |
116 |
$17 |
$30 |
2,500 |
Earthquake Engineering Research
Centers |
39 |
111 |
$6 |
$11 |
171 |
Chemistry Centers |
51 |
75 |
$10 |
$2 |
630 |
FY 2002 Performance Goal for Ideas
The following table summarizes NSFs FY 2002 Performance
Goal for Ideas. For additional information, see the FY 2002 Performance
Strategic Outcomes |
No. |
Annual Performance Goals1 for Strategic
Outcomes |
FY 2002 Areas of Emphasis |
Outcome Goal:
To enable "discovery across the frontier of science and engineering,
connected to learning, innovation, and service to society."
III-2 |
NSF's performance for the Ideas Strategic
Outcome is successful when, in the aggregate, results reported in
the period demonstrate significant achievement in the majority (4
of 6) of the following indicators:
- Discoveries that expand the frontiers of science, engineering,
or technology;
- Discoveries that contribute to the fundamental knowledge base;
- Leadership in fostering newly developing or emerging areas;
- Connections between discoveries and their use in service to
- Connections between discovery and learning or innovation;
- Partnerships that enable the flow of ideas among the academic,
public or private sectors.
Balance of portfolio, including projects that are innovative, risky,
or multidisciplinary
Priority areas:
- Biocomplexity in the Environment
- Information Technology Research
- Nanoscale Science and Engineering
Core research and education activities
- Interdisciplinary mathematics
Highlights (Ideas)
NSF investments in fundamental research provide support
for cutting-edge research and education in many fields and help to maintain
the nations capacity to conduct research in science and engineering.
Selected examples of accomplishments of NSF-supported investments are
described below.
Efficient Map-making in 3-D Settings With Mobile Robots:
Mapping unfamiliar terrain or buildings with robots has high potential
for working in hazardous or distant places. With accurate maps, robots
can find their way and with accurate robot navigation, maps can be made.
But like the chicken and egg problem, when neither is present it has been
difficult for computers to get started on either task. At Carnegie Mellon
University, Sebastian Thrun has developed a new statistical mapping algorithm
that enables teams of mobile robots equipped with 2D-laser range finders
to build joint maps together in real-time. The new method is fast and
remarkably robust and can generate accurate maps of large cyclic environments
even in the absence of any odometric data, in real-time and on a low-end
computer. Thruns work received the Best Conference Paper Award at
the 2000 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation
held in San Francisco in April 2000.
Urban Ecology: A Baltimore Ecosystem Study is focusing
on how people at different scales households, neighborhoods, and
municipalities affect water quality in the regional watersheds.
Initial research has shown a significant relationship between concentration
of political and economic power in the city and the different levels of
investment in green infrastructure among neighborhoods. Additional research
is focusing on how households affect water quality through irrigation,
use of fertilizers and pesticides, as well as on how such land management
practices vary with household demographic and socioeconomic characteristics.
Keeping Structures Safe: The use of de-icing salts
and chloride-containing additives on concrete has caused a large increase
in the number of structures e.g., bridges, buildings and port structures
having problems with corroded steel. To help solve this problem,
researchers at Carnegie Mellon University are developing a new electronic
chip that uses nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) to detect the chloride
ion in concrete. Detection using NMR typically requires large expensive
devices; this team is going to make it possible with a single chip. The
team includes professors from civil engineering, chemical engineering,
electrical engineering and physics. The NMR chip will help the country
maintain its structures better and more economically. NMR chips placed
throughout structures can warn engineers when the free chloride level
in the concrete reaches a dangerous level so that steps can be take to
prevent corrosion and loss of the structure.
Neural Networks: Scientists attempting to understand
the human brain have developed computer models called neural networks
which try to simulate the computational power of the nervous system. For
every human action involving vision, memory, or language, the brain enlists
dynamic interacting populations of nerve cells to perform that task. New
approaches use a nonlinear neural network combined with computer simulations
that mimic the way humans solve problems, not like a digital computer,
but by memorizing facts, simplifying, and estimating answers. Progress
in these areas has contributed to the design of smart machines
and other forms of artificial intelligence.
Evidence that the cosmos is flat: A
microwave telescope borne by a huge balloon for 10½ days 120,000
feet over Antarctica provided detailed observational evidence that the
large-scale geometry of the universe is flat. The research, supported
by NSF and NASA, was published in Nature and widely publicized,
including in the New York Times and the Washington Post,
on April 27, 2000. The telescope provided high angular resolution images
of the heat produced in the Big Bang 12-15 billion years ago. The intense
heat still is detectable as a faint glow called cosmic microwave background
radiation. Point-to-point variations in the heat reveal structure in the
universe when it was only 300,000 years old.
Cracks Along Continental Shelf: Researchers
have discovered cracks along the edge of the continental shelf off the
coast of Southern Virginia formed by continuous and massive blowouts of
gas. The implications of these findings published in Geology, May
2000 are important for geohazards on the East Coast of the United
States because they could trigger landslides and tsunamis. Similar gas
blowouts have damaged or destroyed oilrigs in the Gulf of Mexico and the
North Sea.
Router Improvements Widely Adopted: Internet traffic
is growing at incredible rates. Optical communications technologies are
able to accommodate these increases, but there is a severe bottleneck
in the electronics implementing the packet routing functions. High impact
pioneering research in how Internet routers look up addresses rapidly
to achieve high throughput resulted in new techniques that initially decreased
the address lookup time by a factor of eight without the addition of new
hardware. These ideas have been patented and licensed to several routing-equipment
manufacturers, including Lucent, GTE, NEC, and Microsoft. NSFs research
support has created an entirely new approach to designing high-speed Internet
routers, which will address the needs of a multi-billion dollar market.
Nobel Laureates in Chemistry: The 1999 Nobel Prize
in Chemistry was awarded to Ahmed Zewail for his pioneering real-time
studies of the ultrafast making and breaking of chemical bonds. Alan J.
Heeger, Alan G. MacDiarmid and Hideki Shirakawa shared the Nobel Prize
for Chemistry in 2000 for the discovery and development of conductive
polymers, so-called polymer metals. Zewail has been continuously funded
by the NSF for 20 years. NSF has supported the collaboration between Heeger,
a physicist and MacDiarmid, a chemist, since the 1970s.
Control of Invasive Fire Ants: Researchers have
discovered that the growing threat of imported Brazilian fire ants to
native North American ecosystems is associated with a lack of natural
enemies such as phorid flies. In Brazil, these flies are important parasites
that affect fire ant behavior and competition with other ant species.
The absence of natural enemies has allowed a tremendous expansion of exotic
fire ants throughout much of the U.S. with significant ecological and
economic harm. Project findings have reached popular audiences through
reports on National Public Radio, CNN, and the BBC. Knowledge gained from
this research may open the way for effective control of this disastrous
invasive species.
Anticipating Brownouts: NSF-supported
researchers have discovered new methods to anticipate brownouts
in electric power systems due to voltage collapse problems. Software implementing
these methods is being adopted by electric utilities. The new software
allows utilities to quickly assess the transfer capability based on operational
voltage stability margins. The models take into account power system conditions
and limitations. Utilities can determine whether it is likely that their
power needs will be met or the potential conditions under which there
may be problems that will require other power sources. Researchers are
helping to assess the new markets for electricity as they emerge and to
provide a fundamental understanding of the effects of these new markets
on electric power system reliability.
Technology Investment and Student Achievement: Project
Hiller is a longitudinal study in which 40 incoming freshmen and 20 teachers
have been supplied with laptop computers every year for three years in
a Union City, NJ school of almost exclusively Hispanic students with limited
competence in English. Results have shown consistent increases in student
achievement brought about by long-term investment in technology and the
reform of curriculum and teaching. The researchers found that technology,
used well, improves achievement, makes students feel both knowledgeable
and competent, increases teachers expectations of these students,
and serves to create a culture among students in which it is acceptable
to be academically successful. Within each track, Hiller participants
posted higher scores than non-Hiller peers across the board in every subject,
and mean scores for Hiller general track students in each subject were
higher than the mean scores for non-Hiller honor students.
