The FY 2002 Budget Request for the Advanced Networking
Infrastructure and Research (ANIR) Subactivity is $64.44 million,
a decrease of $1.11 million, or 1.7 percent, from the FY 2001 Current
Plan of $65.55 million.
(Millions of Dollars)
FY 2000
Actual |
FY 2001
Current Plan |
FY 2002
Request |
Change |
Amount |
Percent |
Advanced Networking Infrastructure |
Advanced Networking Research |
Total, ANIR |
The ANIR Subactivity supports the research and development
of high performance networking for the nation's science and engineering
community, as well as fundamental research on networking and network
interoperability and scaling in distributed information systems.
ANIR also supports extensive collaborative development of national
and international networks with other agencies and other countries.
This is essential to the development of future generations of networks
that will enable new applications such as nationwide and worldwide
scientific collaboration, distributed high performance computation,
and large scale distributed multimedia networked knowledge repositories.
Distance education, Digital Libraries, and e-commerce activities
are a few of the rapidly expanding applications enabled by the underlying
network research and development that this Subactivity supports.
The FY 2002 Request for Advanced Network Infrastructure
(ANI) is $43.91 million, a decrease of $800,000 from the FY 2001
Current Plan of $44.71 million. Over the past few years, the vBNS
network, together with the high performance connections program,
has led to the development of a new level of networking for the
nation's research universities. This work has gained additional
momentum through important developments in the university-led Internet2
community. A critical mass of connected sites and research activities
is now in position to exploit these important resources. ANI program
activities, along with ongoing Next Generation Internet (NGI) efforts,
will be continued to ensure essential development of testbed and
applications environments. A new network, vBNS+, has been announced
by MCI WorldCom as a new high performance network directed toward
the research and education community. The very high performance
ABILENE network operated by the Internet2 consortium and The University
Corporation for Advanced Internet Development (UCAID) is in full
Based on these accomplishments, the ANI program will
focus efforts on:
FY 2002 funding for Advanced Networking Research
(ANR) is $20.53 million, a decrease of $300,000 from FY 2001. The
focus will be to continue the fundamental research necessary to
enable the continued expansion of the capabilities of communications
networks. Underlying goals of network research are handling greater
volumes of information, increased numbers of users, more complex
protocols, greater diversity of service types, and greater flexibility
of use in mobile, nomadic, and fixed environments.
Areas for increased support are:
ANIR past successes include developing the Internet
and then fostering its transition out of government funding and
management. The Infrastructure program is currently providing national
leadership in developing the next generation of the Internet. The
High Performance Connections program supported universities to connect
to vBNS and then to develop the Internet2, a private consortium,
for high performance connections. These connections are exploring
advanced applications enabled by high performance networks and serve
as a national model for the future of networking - much as the NSF-Net
functioned in the 1980's. While these projects serve major research
institutions, others also participate. William Brand and William
Lewis of Arizona State University have used NSF support for an Internet
connection to all seven sites of the Navajo Community College; this
project is enabling residents of any of the 111 communities of the
Navajo Nation to attend classes through virtual classrooms.
Networking research is at the forefront of advances
in this fast-paced technology. David Tse, a young researcher at
the University of California at Berkeley, has made fundamental advances
in wireless communication. His mathematical analysis of multiple
access wireless in an environment with fading shows that capacity
is maximized when only the user with the best channel is allowed
to transmit. He also has developed an algorithm schedule access
that has been adopted by Qualcomm and shown to double the capacity
of their High Data Rate system.
Optical networking, which involves shifting networking
functions from the electrical to the optical domain, shows great
promise in helping accommodate the rapid increases in Internet traffic.
The rapid acceleration of optical technology helped to launch several
new companies or groups in existing companies that develop equipment
for the Optical Internet. This newly emerging field incorporates
many ANIR research results in the area of wavelength division multiplexing
(WDM). The work of Robert Gallager and Pierre Humblet, of MIT, on
the use of wavelength selective cross-connects to support packet
switching laid the theoretical foundation for Sycamore Network's
WDM-based Internet router.