The FY 2002 Budget Request for the Graduate Education
(DGE) Subactivity is $95.50 million, an increase of $7.75 million,
or 8.8 percent, over the FY 2001 Current Plan of $87.75 million.
(Millions of Dollars)
FY 2000
Actual |
FY 2001
Current Plan |
FY 2002
Request |
Change |
Amount |
Percent |
Graduate Student Support |
Total, DGE |
The Graduate Education Subactivity aims to recognize
and support a diverse pool of outstanding individuals in their pursuit
of advanced science, mathematics, engineering, and technology education;
encourage reform of graduate education; and strengthen links between
higher education and K-12 education. These efforts will help strengthen
U.S. education at all levels and help ensure continued U.S. economic
and research preeminence. Individuals are supported through research
and teaching fellowships and traineeships at the graduate level.
The increase of $7.75 million reflects the Foundation's commitment
to increasing graduate stipend levels over time to attract the high
quality students necessary for the nation's future.
Graduate Research Fellowships (GRF) provide support
for the most promising science, mathematics, and engineering students
in the U.S. to develop their knowledge and skills so that they perform
at the forefront of education and research. In FY 2002, priorities
include restoring the number of new awards to 900 (up from 850 in
FY 2001), achieving greater diversity in the applicant and awardee
pools, and continuing to increase support levels to strengthen the
competitiveness and prestige of the program. Since 1952, nearly
36,000 U.S. students have received GRF awards, and many have made
substantial contributions to scientific research and to society.
Funding for this program increases by $3.67 million to $58.75 million.
In academic year (AY) 2001-2002, the annual stipend will be increased
by $1,200 to $18,000, and the cost-of-education allowance will be
maintained at $10,500, with approximately 2,400 active Fellows.
This meets NSF's commitments for AY 2001-2002 and maintains progress
toward the planned stipend level of $20,500 for AY 2002-2003.
Graduate Research Fellows report many noteworthy
accomplishments as well as positive effects of the award. In 2000,
17 Fellows reported that they submitted applications for, or were
awarded, patents. For example, Robert Rossi, a Fellow in Chemistry
and Chemical Engineering at the California Institute of Technology,
applied for a patent on a method to modify the surface properties
of silicon for the purposes of natural lithography using a process
that leaves behind no chemical residue. This is used in his research
on converting light into electrical and chemical energy. He took
a one-year leave from his fellowship to improve a laboratory course
in the Chemistry Department, and to prepare curriculum materials
and teach at a local high school.
Graduate Teaching Fellowships in K-12 Education
(GK-12) support graduate and advanced undergraduate SMET students
as content resources for K-12 teachers. This program links the acknowledged
excellence of U.S. graduate education with the critical needs of
the K-12 sector. Graduate Teaching Fellows assist K-12 teachers
in the science and mathematics content of their teaching, demonstrate
key science and mathematics concepts, and gain pedagogical skills
necessary at all education levels. Professional development opportunities
are also provided for the K-12 teachers. In AY 2002-2003, the Graduate
Teaching Fellows' annual stipends will be increased to $20,500.
Approximately 580 graduate and 230 advanced undergraduate students
will be supported. The FY 2002 EHR Request for GK-12 is $22.41 million,
an increase of $2.70 million over the FY 2001 Current Plan.
Fellows from the University of Pennsylvania GK-12
Project (ACCESS Science) assisted West Philadelphia High School
students in engineering and building an electric vehicle. For
the first time in the history of the American Tour de Sol (the
country's largest electric vehicle competition), an inner-city
high school competed successfully, finishing in sixth place in
their division.
Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeships
(lGERT), an NSF-wide program initiated in FY 1998, promotes
new paradigms in graduate education. Graduate students engage in
a broad array of coursework and research opportunities that cross
disciplinary boundaries; explore career options through internships;
develop skills such as communication, computation, and teamwork;
and engage in international activities. Support for IGERT within
EHR increases by $2.39 million, to $14.34 million in FY 2002. Stipends
for Graduate Trainees will be increased in AY 2002-2003 to $20,500
per year; approximately 1,160 trainees will be supported.