The FY 2002 Budget Request for the Civil and Mechanical
Systems Subactivity is $52.18 million, a decrease of $1.08 million,
or 2.0 percent, below the FY 2001 Current Plan of $53.26 million.
(Millions of Dollars)
FY 2000 Actual |
FY 2001
Current Plan |
FY 2002 Request |
Change |
Amount |
Percent |
Civil and Mechanical Systems |
Total, CMS |
The Civil and Mechanical Systems (CMS) Subactivity
has two major goals: to support research that provides the fundamental
and quantitative underpinning for the engineering profession in
application to civil and mechanical systems and the built environment,
and to support the rapid development and deployment of new technology
to industry and in service to the public. CMS research increases
the knowledge base and intellectual growth in the disciplines of
construction, geotechnology, structures, dynamics, sensors and control
systems, engineering mechanics, and materials, as well as the reduction
of risks induced by earthquakes and other natural and technological
hazards. CMS encourages cross-disciplinary partnerships at the intersections
of traditional disciplines. These partnerships promote discoveries
using technologies such as integrated sensing and autoadaptive systems,
nanotechnology, information technology and advanced experimentation
and simulation to produce high-performance and innovative-engineered
At the heart of the mission of CMS is the improved
understanding and design of materials and structures across all
physical scales, with the eventual goal of seamless and realistic
modeling and experimentation at different scales from nano-level
to mega-system integration-level. Research activities funded by
CMS also include a strong focus on integrated experiments and modeling
to enhance the fundamental understanding of the behavior of complex
structures and systems. This model-based research extends from fundamental
engineering concepts and mathematical theories for analysis through
to simulation and control of complex, nonlinear dynamic systems
and processes. The linkage between physical model experimentation
and computational model simulation demands continued focus on development
of the sensor technologies that are necessary for "smart"
civil and mechanical systems and for assessment of safety and reliability
of constructed facilities and infrastructure systems.
As an additional focus, CMS research aims to develop
advanced information systems and technologies required to sustain
the nation's infrastructure, including life-cycle engineering and
theoretical bases for scalable approaches to civil systems construction
and management. This research includes networking technology, internet-based
data systems, communications technologies, and multimedia global
information systems. Critical infrastructure system management and
service reliability in urban environments is a major concern for
the future. The complexity of the spatial distribution of these
systems is an enormous problem for effective management, and this
complexity introduces interferences that are often only realized
when the effects of criticality cascade from one system to another.
The opportunity exists now to develop system models, system sensing,
and real-time data acquisition and visualization for infrastructure
performance analysis and prediction.
The final major focus for CMS research is the mitigation
of impacts from natural and technological hazards on constructed,
natural, and human environments. Included in this focus is support
for rapid-response reconnaissance and field investigation teams
who are deployed as observers and who collect data following extreme
events in the U.S. or abroad. Interdisciplinary and international
studies involving hazard preparedness and response, societal and
economic impacts, and decision theory are also a part of this focus
area, and CMS interacts with Subactivities in the Geosciences and
the Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences Activities of NSF.
Reallocation within the base will provide enhanced funding in the
following areas:
Information Technology Research (ITR): An
increase of $500,000 for a total of $1.9 million to support computational
simulation and modeling of complex materials, structures, and processes.
Examples include bridging the materials scales from nano- to macro-
scale for better application of materials in design; development
of complex deployment schemes for sensors in infrastructure applications;
complex experimental modeling to optimize expenditure of resources;
and modeling of multi-modal transportation systems and of hazard
resistance of complex structures for development of more economical
and safe infrastructure.
Nanoscale Science and Engineering: An increase
of $1.67 million for a total of $4.45 million for new capabilities
to observe, create, and manipulate materials and surfaces at the
nanoscale to develop the fundamental knowledge and techniques necessary
to adapt advances in nanotechnology to CMS-related applications.
Examples include superstrong materials for structural use, nanosensors,
low-friction surfaces, and nanoscale motors and actuators.
Engineering the Service Sector: An increase
of $1.0 million for a total of $5.0 million to support research
for complex and integrated models of infrastructure systems, including
physical distribution networks integrated with information networks
that support sensing, communications, decision-making and real-time
control; for enterprise information systems and supply chain management,
including architecture for concurrent product, process and supply
chains in construction and information management.
Sensor Technologies and Imaging: An increase
of $1.0 million for a total of $5.0 million for development of innovative
sensors and engineering microsystems for civil and mechanical systems,
including sensors and systems that are reliable, low-power and wireless
for deployment in civil and mechanical systems, and remote sensing
technologies developed for subsurface, ground-based and satellite-based
Extreme Events and Hazards Mitigation: An
increase of $1.0 million for a total of $15.0 million for development
of knowledge and tools to enable true multi-hazard engineering and
integration of financial engineering, risk assessment, mitigation,
and socioeconomic impacts integrally into the decision making before,
during, and after disasters. Focus will be on the development of
new analytical and testing platforms that exploit advances in parallel
computer simulations and analyses, large-scale structural control
device/system developments, and development of reconstruction strategies
through synthesis of experiences learned from damaging extreme events.
Within the Major Research Equipment account, $24.40
million has been requested to continue the Network for Earthquake
Engineering Simulation (NEES), a project to construct, upgrade,
network and integrate a complete system of test facilities in earthquake
engineering. This national project will also promote international
collaborations for earthquake engineering research. Oversight of
this project will be provided through CMS. For additional information
on this project, see the Major Research Equipment section.