The FY 2002 Budget Request for
the Office of Innovation Partnerships is $74.81 million, $10.0 million
less than the FY 2001 Current Plan.
(Millions of Dollars)
FY 2000 Actual |
FY 2001 Current Plan |
FY 2002 Request |
Change |
Amount |
Percent |
Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive
Research |
Innovation Partnership Activities1
Total |
Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive
Research (EPSCoR) is a State-NSF partnership to stimulate sustainable
improvements in R&D competitiveness through the development
and utilization of science and technology (S&T) resources that
reside at the state's major research universities. EPSCoR emphasizes
local direction and administration by broad-based statewide governing
committees, program accountability at all levels, and non-federal
cost-sharing investments. EPSCoR currently operates in twenty-one
states and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. The states are: Alabama,
Alaska, Arkansas, Hawaii, Idaho, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine,
Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota,
Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Vermont, West Virginia,
and Wyoming. EPSCoR attempts to develop nationally competitive R&D
infrastructures within participating states by promoting partnerships
among state government, universities, and the private sector in
strategic research areas with high growth potential.
During FY 2000, EPSCoR researchers reported important
accomplishments in support of the Foundation's Goal: "Discovery
across the frontier of science and engineering, connected to learning,
innovation and service to society." For example, researchers
at the University of Montana examining the molecular and cellular
mechanisms of chronic lung disease following exposure to hazardous
environmental, occupational, and certain therapeutic agents are
taking a new approach related to the importance of key cells and
key mechanisms in the immune system. These studies may ultimately
lead to the development of new and improved treatments for chronic
lung diseases such as asthma and fibrosis and the identification
of the genetic basis for susceptibility for these diseases. The
impacts of environmental exposures on disease severity have not
been adequately characterized and this new approach focuses on precisely
those areas of societal concern as expressed in current, huge class-action
The FY 2002 Request of $74.81 million will enable
NSF to provide continuing support for the following activities:
Research Infrastructure Improvement (RII)
projects are 36-month awards of up to $9.0 million for research
infrastructure improvements in S&T areas identified as critical
to the state's future R&D competitiveness. A 50 percent non-federal
state match is required over the term of the award. RII awards were
made to the states of Alabama, Alaska, Louisiana, Montana, Nebraska,
and South Dakota in FY 2001.
Co-funding represents projects receiving
joint support of research and education proposals submitted by EPSCoR
researchers to the Foundation's ongoing grant programs as a means
of accelerating the movement of EPSCoR researchers and institutions
into the mainstream of federal and private sector R&D support.
During the period FY 1998-2000, EPSCoR researchers received 351
awards totaling $119.5 million. NSF research programs provided $68.7
million of this total.
Outreach activities include a coordinated
and comprehensive outreach program to universities, industry, and
state government in EPSCoR states by NSF program officers and staff,
to inform researchers and S&T administrators of NSF policies,
programs, and procedures. Since the program's inception in FY 1998
over 500 visits to EPSCoR states have been made by NSF staff.
Innovation Partnership Activities were funded
at $9.98 million in FY 2001. These funds are being used to nucleate
a wide range of approaches to the development of innovation partnerships.
Current projects include 24 awards to institutions in 20 states
and Puerto Rico. Additional awards will be made in FY 2001. No new
funds are requested for this effort in the FY 2002 Budget Request.