The FY 2002 Budget Request for the Educational System
Reform (ESR) Subactivity is $45.25 million, a decrease of $65.19
million, or 59.0 percent, from the FY 2001 Current Plan of $110.44
(Millions of Dollars)
FY 2000
Actual |
FY 2001
Current Plan |
FY 2002
Request |
Change |
Amount |
Percent |
Educational System Reform |
Total, ESR |
ESR programs implement large-scale reform
of science, mathematics, and technology (SMT) education, particularly
at the preK-12 level, across the nation. Systemic reform principles
and experiences are incorporated into programs across EHR. Systemic
reform projects provide access to high-quality science and mathematics
educational resources for many of the nation's children who are
educationally disadvantaged, and expand professional development
opportunities for the instructional workforce. They emphasize helping
states and local school districts to ensure that all students have
the opportunity to perform to high standards in math and science
and use data to calibrate progress and inform future directions
- key elements of the President's education reform agenda. NSF has
insisted on accountability from systemic reform projects, and the
results demonstrate its effectiveness in generating progress.
During the 1998-1999 school year (the most recent
year for which complete data are available), nearly 215,000 elementary
and secondary teachers of mathematics and science received professional
development sponsored by a NSF Systemic Initiative. Of these,
over 80,000 received 60 hours or more of professional development.
ESR programs have helped set the stage for the new
Math and Science Partnerships Initiative (MSPI) through both their
objectives and their modes of operation. A total of $65 million
is redirected in support of MSPI in order to expand the reach of
the models for action brought about through ESR programs and the
mechanisms for accountability they have developed. Remaining funds
will support extant awards, with the possibility of supplements,
as warranted.
Statewide Systemic Initiatives (SSI) funding
decreases by $7.70 million, to a total of $1.98 million. SSI supports
implemention of comprehensive changes in science and mathematics
education through development and alignment of new standards, partnerships,
policies, practices, and resources. The FY 2002 funding will provide
support for three remaining SSI states.
Urban Systemic Program (USP) funding decreases
by $52.36 million to $34.77 million. In FY 2001, 43 urban school
districts were supported. The FY 2002 budget will provide continuing
support for extant urban projects. The program addresses two major
needs: (1) to catalyze K-12 science and mathematics education system
reform, with special focus on the full spectrum of teacher education
and linkages with advanced technological education; and (2) to enhance
educational achievement and reduce the achievement gap for groups
traditionally underrepresented in science and engineering. For example:
Year 1 graduates (1999) - the first group of
Los Angeles students to have completed high school under the Systemic
Initiative banner - scored 40 points higher than their 1996 peers
on the mathematics section of the SAT test, closing the performance
gap on this test by 50 points. Furthermore, the Los Angeles school
district's annual study, Plans of the Graduates, revealed that
Year 1 graduates of these predominantly low-achieving schools
qualified to enter California's university system at a rate of
nearly 33 percent above the 1996 graduates from these same schools.
The San Antonio Systemic Initiative project,
begun in 1996, has shown a consistent rise in student achievement
among all students. Comparison with Texas averages indicates that
San Antonio schools are demonstrating improvement that exceeds
other Texas students on the Texas Assessment of Academic Skills
(TAAS). Comparisons also indicate that the achievement gap between
ethnic groups is narrowing. For example, there has been a gain
of 35.1 percent in the performance of African-American 4th graders
in year four of the project (an increase of 15.5 percent above
the state increase over the same four years). Scores of Hispanic
students in the 8th grade have increased by 38.4 percent over
the same time period.
Rural Systemic Initiatives (RSI) funding decreases
by $5.13 million to $8.50 million. RSI promotes improvements in
science and mathematics instruction in rural, economically disadvantaged
regions. It develops leadership capacity among the teachers and
adminstrators, encourages community and family involvement in education,
and makes innovative use of distance learning strategies. In FY
2002, RSI will continue to support extant implementation awards.