The FY 2002 Budget Request for
the Atmospheric Sciences Subactivity is $186.50 million, a decrease
of $1.95 million, or 1.0 percent, below the FY 2001 Current Plan
of $188.45 million.
Millions of Dollars
FY 2000 Actual |
FY 2001
Current Plan |
FY 2002 Request |
Change |
Amount |
Percent |
Atmospheric Sciences Research Support |
National Center for Atmospheric Research |
Total, ATM |
Research in the Atmospheric Sciences Subactivity
(ATM) furthers our understanding of weather, climate, and the solar-terrestrial
system by expanding the fundamental knowledge of the composition
and dynamics of Earth's atmosphere and geospace environment. NSF
provides over 45 percent of the total federal support for basic
research in atmospheric sciences at academic institutions. Almost
40 percent of the funds for ATM support the operation and maintenance
of large, complex facilities required for research in the atmospheric
and solar-terrestrial sciences. These facilities are shared by the
atmospheric science community for fundamental research by individuals
and groups of investigators participating in national and international
scientific field programs and experiments.
Recent research supported by NSF has demonstrated
that there is a naturally occurring mode of atmospheric variability
in the northern high latitudes. It resembles the North Atlantic
Oscillation in many respects, but its primary center of action covers
more of the Arctic. Coupled to strong fluctuations in the stratosphere
on the intraseasonal, interannual, and interdecadal time scales,
the Arctic Oscillation (AO) can be interpreted as the surface signature
of modulations in the strength of the polar vortex aloft. The research
offers a framework for explaining recent trends in winter/springtime
surface air temperature, sea-level pressure, geopotential heights
and ozone concentrations. The analysis has also been extended to
the Antarctic. This work has received significant attention and
citation by the climate research community, particularly the polar
research community. The robust new mode of variability, second to
ENSO (El Niño Southern Oscillation), has given fresh insights
into climate variability and long-term trends.
Recent observations by two different remote sensing
techniques - the Starfire lidar in New Mexico and the Arecibo incoherent
scatter (ISR) radar in Puerto Rico - demonstrate the existence of
sharp gradients of temperatures and winds in the mesosphere region
near 90 km. Both sets of temperature and wind observations show
gradients that are believed to arise from the breaking of gravity
waves as they interact with the atmospheric tidal structure dominated
by the semi-diurnal tide. The simultaneous existence of these sharp
gradients implies that the atmosphere can be highly turbulent over
a region of 3 to 5 km within the mesopause region, and also that
this layer of turbulence descends with the phase speed of the tidal
structure. This work lays the foundation for improved understanding
of other mesospheric phenomena. Such results are seen only when
the remote sensing technique has the capability of making precise
measurements with high temporal and spatial resolutions. Hence,
the large apertures of the Starfire optical telescope (3.5 m) and
the Arecibo radio telescope (300 m) were crucial to this discovery.
The FY 2002 Budget Request includes $115.87 million
for Atmospheric Sciences Research Support, which provides funding
for individual and group research projects in physical meteorology,
large-scale dynamic meteorology, experimental meteorology, climate
dynamics, atmospheric chemistry, aeronomy, magnetospheric physics
and solar-terrestrial relations. Research studies develop the scientific
basis for understanding the dynamic and physical behavior of climate
and weather on all scales, the natural global chemical cycles of
gases and particles in Earth's atmosphere, the composition, energetics,
and particularly the dynamics of the coupled upper atmospheric system,
and the sun as it relates to Earth's upper atmosphere and space
environment. Support is also provided for lower atmospheric facilities
at several universities and for upper atmospheric observatories
in Massachusetts, Puerto Rico, Greenland and Peru that are operated
by U.S. universities and research institutions. Also included is
support for Unidata, a national program to help universities use
computing technology and atmospheric data for teaching and research.
Highlights for FY 2002 include:
continued examination of important biogeochemical
cycles including emphasis on understanding the sources, sinks
and processes which control the atmospheric abundance and distribution
of carbon, water and other nutrient elements;
development of improved computer systems and
numerical models, smart instrumentation, and collaboratories which
will allow new discoveries, greater access to atmospheric data,
and improved understanding of the atmospheric environment which
will be supported as part of the ITR initiative;
FY 2002 support for the National Center for Atmospheric
Research (NCAR) totals $70.63 million. During FY 2002 NCAR will
focus on: 1) research in the atmospheric and related sciences, including
climate system modeling and the operation of the computation facilities
for the Climate Simulation Laboratory; 2) the U.S. Weather Research
Program and the National Space Weather Program, which aim to achieve
a better understanding and improved predictive capability of costly
and disruptive storms on Earth and in space; and 3) continued support
and development of new and improved observational and computational