The FY 2002 H-1B Nonimmigrant Petitioner Receipts
are projected to be $144.0 million, an increase of $23.0 million,
or 19.0 percent, over the FY 2001 projected level of $121.0 million.
(Millions of Dollars)
Actual |
Current Plan |
Request |
Change |
Amount |
Percent |
H-1B Nonimmigrant
Receipts |
Total, H-1B Nonimmigrant
Receipts |
Beginning in FY 1999, Title IV of the American Competitiveness
and Workforce Improvement Act of 1998 (P.L. 105-277) established
an H-1B Nonimmigrant Petitioner Account in the general fund of the
U.S. Treasury for fees collected for each petition for alien nonimmigrant
status. That law required that a prescribed percentage of funds
in the Account be made available to NSF for the following activities:
Computer Science, Engineering, and Mathematics
(CSEM) Scholarships. Annual merit-based scholarships of up
to $2,500 for up to two years have been provided for new or continued
enrollment at institutions of higher education by eligible low-income
individuals pursuing associate, undergraduate, or graduate degrees
in the disciplines specified.
Grants for Mathematics, Engineering, or Science
Enrichment Courses. These funds provide opportunities to students
for enrollment in year-round academic enrichment courses in mathematics,
engineering, or science. The first set of awards under this rubric
will be made in FY 2001.
Systemic Reform Activities. These funds
supplement the rural systemic reform activities administered under
the Educational System Reform (ESR) Subactivity.
In 2000, a new law, the American Competitiveness
in the 21st Century Act (Public Law 106-313), increased the funds
available by increasing the Petitioner fees, and amended P.L. 105-277
regarding the way petitioner fees are to be expended by the Foundation:
Computer Science, Engineering, and Mathematics
(CSEM) Scholarships. The maximum scholarship duration is extended
to four years and the annual stipend is raised to $3,125. It is
estimated that funds for the scholarship program will be $71.95
million in FY 2001 and $85.62 million in FY 2002. Estimated expenditures
in FY 2001 will provide approximately 18,000 scholarships for
students at 180 colleges and universities. Based on FY 2002 estimates,
we expect to be able to support about 24,000 students at 240 awardee
Private-Public Partnerships in K-12. P.L.
106-313 directs the remaining receipts from 2001 and 2002 toward
K-12 activities involving private-public partnerships in a range
of areas such as materials development, student externships, math
and science teacher professional development, etc. Funds for this
activity are expected to be $49.05 million in FY 2001 and $58.38
million in FY 2002.