The FY 2002 Budget Request for the Human Resource
Development (HRD) Subactivity is $90.44 million, a decrease of $250,000,
or 0.3 percent, below the FY 2001 Current Plan of $90.69 million.
(Millions of Dollars)
Actual |
Current Plan |
Request |
Change |
Amount |
Percent |
Student Support |
Research and Education
Infrastructure |
Opportunities for
Women and Persons with Disabilities |
Total, HRD |
The Human Resource Development Subactivity seeks
to increase the participation and advancement of underrepresented
groups and institutions at every level of science, mathematics,
engineering, and technology education through the promotion of racial
and ethnic diversity, gender equity, and access for persons with
disabilities. Programs focus on increasing interest and academic
performance, degree attainment, and workforce participation. These
efforts engage the full range of academic institutions and - through
the development, assessment and documentation of model efforts to
improve teaching, learning, and research participation - serve to
benefit all students.
Within this Subactivity, programs address three priorities:
(1) increasing substantially the diversity of the SMET professoriate;
(2) strengthening the synergy among key minority-focused programs
and the interactions among grantees within these and other NSF programs
in research and education; and (3) expanding upon a strong educational
research base to develop and foster broad implementation of innovative
strategies for increasing participation and achievement of girls,
women, and persons with disabilities in SMET education and research
Undergraduate/Graduate Student Support includes:
Louis Stokes Alliances for Minority Participation
(LSAMP) strengthens and encourages SMET baccalaureate degree
production of students from underrepresented populations by
utilizing the knowledge, resources, and capabilities of a broad
range of organizations from the academic, federal, and commercial
sectors. Funding is reduced by $250,000 to a level of $26.53
Historically Black Colleges and Universities-Undergraduate
Program (HBCU-UP) provides awards to enhance the quality
of undergraduate SMET programs through curricular reform and
enhancement, faculty development, research experiences for undergraduates,
upgrading of scientific instrumentation, and improvement of
research infrastructure. Funding is maintained at $13.97 million.
In addition, the Research and Related Activities account will
provide funding of $1.0 million, for total Foundation support
of $14.97 million. Under the HBCU-UP, Morehouse College is establishing
a Baccalaureate/Master's dual degree program in neuroscience.
It is an inter-institutional enterprise involving Emory University,
Georgia Institute of Technology, Georgia State University, Morehouse
School of Medicine, and the colleges of the Atlanta University
Center. The dual degree program includes an undergraduate fellows
program and a neuroscience minor (unique among HBCUs). The dual
degree program will be offered in the Fall of 2001.
Tribal Colleges and Universities Program
(TCUP) provides awards to enhance the quality of SMET instructional
and community outreach programs through curricular reform and
enhancement, faculty development, research and other out-of-classroom
educational experiences for students, upgrading of scientific
instrumentation, and improvement of research infrastructure.
In FY 2002 support is held constant at $9.98 million.
Presidential Awards for Excellence in Science,
Mathematics, and Engineering Mentoring (PAESMEM), administered
by NSF on behalf of the White House, recognize outstanding mentoring
efforts/programs that enhance the participation of groups underrepresented
in science, mathematics, and engineering. Awardees serve as
exemplars to their colleagues and are leaders in the effort
to more fully develop the nation's human resources in science,
mathematics, and engineering. Funding is maintained at $290,000.
Research and Education Infrastructure includes:
Alliances for Graduate Education and the
Professoriate (formerly the Minority Graduate Education
program) continues implementing strategies for increasing SMET
Ph.D. attainment among students drawn from underrepresented
populations and encouraging those students to enter the professoriate.
In FY 2002, program support remains at $11.80 million.
Centers of Research Excellence in Science
and Technology serve as hubs for conducting competitive
research at the most productive minority institutions, including
those that produce well-trained doctoral students in SMET fields.
Funding is sustained at $8.88 million to support ten Centers
and to help Center faculty participate more fully in other NSF
research programs.
Model Institutions for Excellence supports
minority institutions with a strong track record for graduating
underrepresented minority students at the baccalaureate level,
and encouraging those students to pursue graduate degrees. Jointly
funded with the Research and Related Activities account, EHR
funding for this program is sustained at $2.52 million, for
total NSF support of $10.02 million.
Opportunities for Women and Persons with Disabilities
Program for Gender Equity (PGE) supports
education and research activities that foster increased participation
of women and girls in SMET. Funding is sustained at $11.19 million.
Within this request PGE expects to provide up to $450,000 in
institutional awards as part of the NSF-wide ADVANCE program
to advance professional opportunities for women.
Program for Persons with Disabilities
supports efforts to increase the participation and achievement
of individuals with disabilities in SMET education and research.
Emphasis is placed on projects building and strengthening alliances
among higher education, K-12 educational systems, and business
and industry. Funding is maintained at $5.28 million