The FY 2002 Budget Request for
the Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE) Activity
is $470.36 million, a decrease of $7.54 million, or 1.6 percent,
below the FY 2001 Current Plan of $477.90 million.
(Millions of Dollars)
Computing, communications, and information are the
focus of the basic research and education programs supported by
the CISE Activity. CISE supported research ranges from the study
of basic principles of the creation, representation, storage, transmission,
transformation and application of information to development of
new algorithms, systems and applications of these research innovations.
CISE activities include theoretical and experimental investigator-initiated
research in all areas of computer and information science and engineering,
the development and maintenance of a cutting-edge national computing
and information infrastructure for research and education, and programs
that contribute to the education and training of the next generation
of computer scientists and engineers.
Information technology (IT) is playing an increasingly
important role in nearly every part of our lives, affecting science
and engineering research and education, general education, commerce,
health, and national security. The federal investment in research
has played a key part in developing early U.S. leadership in underlying
computing, communications and information technologies and in applying
these technologies to many areas of critical national importance.
As part of the overall federal effort, CISE provides more than 43
percent of the total support for fundamental research in computer
science at U.S. colleges and universities.
CISE continues to support major advances in information
technology. Just as important are the training environments in the
laboratories and research groups that develop these ideas. The following
examples illustrate the creativity of new ideas that have potential
to support innovation and new industrial growth.
CISE supported researcher Michael Rabin at Harvard
has created the world's first provably completely secure cryptosystem.
Previous cryptosystems relied upon both computational limitations
of the adversary and assumptions in computational complexity
theory. This system is provably secure against any adversary
of any computing power.
The Digital Libraries program, which combines
support from NSF, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
(DARPA), the National Endowment for the Humanities, and the
National Library of Medicine, has been continued in the "Information
Management" theme of the Information Technology Research
(ITR) program. It has expanded its international activities,
supporting joint research programs with the United Kingdom,
Germany, and other European Union member states, as well as
several Asian countries. Digital library research now includes
new applications of computer techniques to resources in education.
For example, the Education and Human Resources Activity is supporting
development of a National Science, Mathematics, Engineering
and Technology Education Digital Library (NSDL) which is aimed
at improving science, engineering, mathematics and technology
Scientists at the University of Pittsburgh are
researching the next steps in intelligent tutoring systems using
natural language dialogue, eye tracking, and problem solving
to create novel ways for learners to make their thinking visible
to computational and human tutors. One premise of the research
is that truly intelligent human and computer based tutors support
the learner's cognitive processes and learn from learners in
real time. This work is leading to a better understanding of
the diverse learning styles and cognitive processes that tutors
must support to be effective in complex learning situations.
James Demmel, a computer scientist at the University
of California at Berkeley, invented a new algorithm to compute
eigenvalues of matrices, one of the most central mathematical
tasks in analyzing linear systems arising from business, engineering,
chemistry and economics. This new algorithm outperforms the
well-known "QR" method that has been widely used for
30 years and it is already changing curricula and textbooks
for computational science.
The Internet evolved from CISE projects (CSNET
and NSFNET) and was supported by CISE in its early years. Research
is continuing on new services, characterization of traffic and
methods to improve the performance of the Internet. Azer Bestavros
and colleagues at Boston University have conducted groundbreaking
research on World Wide Web (WWW) workload characterization and
scalable WWW server architecture design. This research is an
essential enabling technology for new uses of the Internet such
as wide-band networking, multimedia distribution, real-time
capabilities and other uses.
The people who make up the nation's highly educated
science and technology workforce drive advances in knowledge, innovations
in technology and growth in the economy. The most important outcome
for CISE is producing this trained workforce that has given the
U.S. international leadership in IT research and is central to the
productivity and economic growth stemming from IT. At NSF, integrating
research and education is our principal strategy; the people involved
in our research projects are the focus of our investments. Across
its programs, CISE provides support for more than 8,000 people,
including students, researchers, post-doctorates, and trainees.
Support for programs specifically addressing NSF's strategic goal
of "People - developing a diverse, internationally competitive
and globally-engaged workforce of scientists, engineers and well-prepared
citizens" totals more than $56 million in FY 2002, an increase
of 16.5 percent over FY 2001. Moreover, about 39 percent of the
funding for research grants -- an amount exceeding $112 million
in FY 2002 -- provides support for researchers and students, including
more than 4,600 post-doctorates, trainees, and graduate and undergraduate
In FY 2002, CISE will support research and education
efforts related to broad, Foundation-wide priority areas in Biocomplexity
in the Environment, Information Technology Research, Nanoscale Science
and Engineering, and Learning for the 21st Century
Biocomplexity in the Environment (BE): Funding
for BE in FY 2002 totals $6.10 million. These funds will contribute
to NSF's centralized competition and will be used to support more
focused environmental informatics activities such as multi-scale
modeling and simulation, dynamic data analysis and interpretation,
data mining and management and data fusion.
Information Technology Research (ITR): Since
1994, information technology (IT) has been responsible for a third
of the nation's economic expansion, primarily due to advances in
fundamental understanding of computing, communications, and information.
The Internet, Web browsers, software for medical, scientific, educational,
and business applications, as well as many other features of daily
life are rooted in the basic research achievements of the past few
decades. In the future, IT will have an even greater impact on the
quality of our lives, the state of the economy and national security.
Recommendations of the President's Information Technology Advisory
Committee (PITAC) highlighted the fragile ground on which this progress
is built, expressing alarm that under-funding of long-term basic
research will seriously undercut future U.S. leadership in information
technology and efforts dependent on it. Recommendations were made
concerning the efforts in research, infrastructure and education
and training needed to maintain the present U.S. leadership position.
In response, NSF was chosen in FY 2000 as the lead agency among
participating agencies in the federal Networking and Information
Technology Research and Development program. NSF's Information Technology
Research (ITR) effort began in FY 2000 with a $90.0 million investment
in basic IT research coordinated with $36.0 million for a new Terascale
Computing System provided through the Major Research Equipment (MRE)
account. In FY 2001, this support expanded to $215.0 million across
NSF with $155.48 million managed in CISE; in addition, a second
Distributed Terascale Computing Facility is being funded at a level
of $44.90 million through the MRE account.
Funding within CISE for the Foundation's ITR priority
area will be sustained at $155.48 million in FY 2002. ITR continues
the Foundation's effort to address computing, communications, and
information research, and related education and training and infrastructure
efforts essential for maintaining the nation's preeminence in IT
research and its wider applications to all sectors of society. This
program builds on and is integrated with prior CISE activities,
complements and draws upon strong collaborative efforts among all
of NSF's research programs, and continues a long and successful
history of federal interagency cooperation. Partner agencies in
this multi-agency effort include the Agency for Healthcare Quality
and Research (AHRQ), the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
(DARPA), the National Security Agency (NSA), the Department of Energy
(DOE), the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA),
the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the National Institute
of Standards and Technology (NIST), and others.
In response to the need for more long-range IT research,
the ITR program will support research that often entails a higher
risk than that prevailing in established areas. In managing the
award process, CISE will ensure that at least 10 percent of funding
is used for these high-quality, higher-risk proposals.
In FY 2002, as part of the ITR priority area, CISE
will focus on broad thematic, large-scale, long-term, basic computer
science research challenges, such as:
Research enabling the next generation of
Cyber Infrastructure will build on our successes in high-performance
computing and communications; it will make possible the full integration
of high-volume data resources, high capacity storage, and new techniques
enabling users to use and understand information. This research
will create technologies for advances in computational science,
education, universal access to cultural resources, and other uses.
Human Augmentation research will expand the capabilities
of computers to serve people by creating new interfaces, such
as speech, haptic (force-feedback) sensing, and telepresence.
These advances will allow the disabled and elderly to fully
participate in the Information Age and expand the abilities
of all people to fully use the power of computing and communications.
Research at the interface of biology and information
technology will be conducted in computational biology to understand
biological and social systems, biological systems informatics
to understand the "IT" mechanisms of biological systems,
biomolecular computation to explore new biological and chemical
mechanisms that may form the basis of a new generation of computing,
and biologically inspired computing to understand how biological
systems do information tasks.
Security and reliability for computer, communication
and information systems will be expanded under a comprehensive
approach to increase the number of active researchers and to
support expanded research programs.
Nanoscale Science and Engineering: CISE will
support $6.20 million in Nanoscale Science and Engineering research
on quantum computing, self-assembly of biomolecular computer components,
nano-robotics, and design automation to support a new approach to
molecular architecture.
Learning for the 21st Century: CISE provides
$1.15 million in support for the Foundation's Learning for the 21st
Century priority area through a range of programs that encourage
creative approaches to meeting the workforce requirements for IT
in the new century. These include the Interagency Education Research
Initiative (IERI) and the NSF Graduate Teaching Fellows in K-12
Education (GK-12).
CISE's support for ongoing and new activities contributes
to NSF efforts to achieve its strategic goals, as well as to the
administration and management activities necessary to achieve those
(Millions of Dollars)
FY 2001
Estimate |
FY 2002
Estimate |
Change |
People |
48.88 |
56.93 |
16.5% |
Ideas |
303.88 |
288.09 |
-5.2% |
Tools |
118.42 |
117.62 |
-0.7% |
Administration and Management
1 |
6.72 |
7.72 |
14.9% |
Total, CISE |
$477.90 |
$470.36 |
-1.6% |
CISE places the highest priority on programs to develop
the IT workforce through efforts to increase graduate training and
the attractiveness of university careers for computer scientists
and engineers; to increase participation of under-represented groups
in the workforce; and to enhance the ability of all citizens to
benefit from the expanded use of computing and communications technologies.
(Millions of Dollars)
FY 2001
Estimate |
FY 2002
Estimate |
Change |
Undergraduate |
6.92 |
7.92 |
14.5% |
Graduate and Professional |
41.96 |
49.01 |
16.8% |
Total, CISE |
$48.88 |
$56.93 |
16.5% |
In response to the need for more people with advanced
skills in all areas of computer and information science and engineering,
CISE will continue to promote incorporating up-to-date research
findings into the undergraduate curriculum with two goals: first,
to improve undergraduate education in computer science and engineering
in order to better prepare students for careers in industry, research,
or teaching; and second, to improve educational processes and tools
for all students so they can participate effectively in a technology-intensive
Undergraduate curriculum improvements and research
experiences for undergraduates will be supported in FY 2002 at a
level of $7.0 million. Curriculum programs improve classroom teaching
for computer science and engineering students and are focused on
developing new curriculum from current research advances. Research
experiences are important in introducing students into the research
"culture" and have proven to increase the rate of undergraduates
going into graduate study and research careers.
In FY 2002, CISE will provide $27.0 million for the
Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) program, an increase of
$2.0 million. This program helps make academic careers attractive
to new doctorates and adds to the number of faculty needed at universities
and colleges to increase education and training for all IT careers.
Funding for the foundation-wide Integrative Graduate Education and
Research Training (IGERT) program will total $2.57 million to support
interdisciplinary research.
In FY 1999, CISE initiated an activity to identify
and understand the reasons for lower participation rates in IT careers
among women and minorities. In FY 2002, CISE will fund research
at the level of $7.90 million on the underlying issues of lower
participation rates among women and minorities, including components
of teaching and learning, workforce needs, and retention issues
in student IT majors at colleges.
Support for discovery across the frontier of science
and engineering connected to learning, innovation and service to
society underlies all the research areas in the CISE activity. Projects
that support research as well as the university training environment
are the highest priority. As part of this support for discovery,
funding for ITR will remain stable at $155.48 million, with approximately
two-thirds of this support going to individual and small group research
projects and one-third to small centers. Across all CISE Subactivities,
investment in ideas will be reduced by $15.79 million to $288.09
Priorities in CISE for increased effort, in addition
to the ITR goals described above, include:
Maintaining award size and duration levels.
A new program on Hybrid and Embedded Systems
will explore the engineering challenges of systems that combine
digital and analog devices, low power systems, and devices that
incorporate computer technology for control, such as medical
devices and other systems with small computing requirements.
Research, demonstrations, and technical assistance
on ways to make technology more accessible. These assistive
technologies will enable a greater spectrum of the citizenry
- the elderly, disabled, and those with less experience with
computer systems - to use and benefit from IT innovations in
computing and communications.
Increased support for research on methods to
store and access scientific data to improve usage and access
of existing resources; expanded research on visualization and
analysis for large, scientific data sets; and research on new
mechanisms for computing such as quantum devices and DNA or
chemical based techniques.
Networking research will increase activity in
middleware, the software used to build distributed systems that
utilize the networks efficiently and reliably by providing advanced
services such as multimedia, quality of service, and broadcast
Another priority within CISE is Critical Infrastructure
Protection. An increase of $4.0 million within ITR will bring total
support to $32.52 million in FY 2002. This will provide for increased
research in networking, high performance computing and software
that will enable computer and communications systems to be safer,
more reliable, and free from intrusions. In addition to increased
support in ITR, a Cyber-Trust effort will be coordinated to create
the fundamental knowledge for building reliable and secure systems.
Both investments will support the Critical Infrastructure Protection
effort with research knowledge needed to build a new generation
of safe and reliable information systems.
In FY 2002, CISE expects to maintain the average
size and duration of awards. These efforts will simultaneously contribute
to increasing the efficiency of the Foundation's merit review process,
and achieving greater cost-effectiveness for both NSF and the research
CISE-supported centers include:
(Millions of Dollars)
FY 2001
Estimate |
FY 2002
Estimate |
Change |
Science and Technology
Centers 1 |
3.26 |
0.00 |
-100.0% |
Information Technology Centers |
50.00 |
53.00 |
6.0% |
Total, CISE Centers |
$53.26 |
$53.00 |
-0.5% |
Two STCs that are supported in FY 2001 but will no
longer receive funding in FY 2002 as part of the planned phase out
of the 1991 class of STCs are:
The Center for Cognitive Science (University
of Pennsylvania), which is jointly funded by CISE with the Social,
Behavioral, and Economic Sciences Activity; and
The Center for Computer Graphics and Scientific
Visualization (University of Utah, Cornell University, Brown
University, California Institute of Technology, and University
of North Carolina).
The Information Technology Centers were initiated
in FY 2000 with 33 awards, with 20 additional awards planned for
FY 2001. Support will be for fundamental research in IT spanning
computer and information science and engineering, encompassing scientific
applications, or addressing areas of social, ethical and workforce
issues in IT. These centers are multi-investigator teams, often
"virtual centers" with participation of several institutions.
Reallocations within ITR will provide an additional investment of
$3.0 million in FY 2002 that will allow funding of three to five
new centers.
In FY 2002, CISE will see a modest decrease in support
for infrastructure programs:
(Millions of Dollars)
FY 2001
Estimate |
FY 2002
Estimate |
Change |
Advanced Computational Infrastructure
1 |
73.71 |
73.71 |
0.0% |
Advanced Networking Infrastructure |
44.71 |
43.91 |
-1.8% |
Total, CISE |
$118.42 |
$117.62 |
-0.7% |
Two facilities programs, Advanced Computational Infrastructure
(ACI) and Advanced Networking Infrastructure (ANI), provide state-of-the-art
computing and communications essential for advanced work in all
fields of science and engineering. Within ACI, the Partnerships
for Advanced Computational Infrastructure (PACI) program develops
and provides the most advanced, leading edge computing capabilities.
ANI provides the major high-performance network and information-communications
infrastructure for the U.S. scientific and engineering community.
These facilities complement each other in enabling and developing
experimentation with high performance computational and communications
tools, providing training and education in the use of cutting-edge
scientific computing and information technologies, and facilitating
geographically-separated and cross-sector collaboration in research
and education.
Support for PACI will total $70.71 million in FY
2002, level with FY 2001. With the transition from the Supercomputer
Centers program completed and all partnering activities fully operational,
the program will continue broadening and accelerating the capability
of the research community to utilize this advanced technology to
work on cutting-edge research problems in all scientific disciplines.
ACI will also continue funding of $3.0 million for
operations of the Terascale Computing Systems to provide operations
support for integrating these new systems with the existing PACI
facilities. The Terascale Computing Systems are described under
the Major Research Equipment account. These efforts will complement
PACI by supporting a major strengthening of the high performance
computational capability needed for IT research and applications.
Support for ANI will total $43.91 million in FY 2002,
a decrease of $800,000 from FY 2001. ANI participates in the interagency
Next Generation Internet (NGI) program, and complements the university-led
Internet2 effort. Within NGI, the focus is on high performance connectivity
between academic research institutions, contributing to basic infrastructure
for high-end research applications, and taking a major role in developing
the national scalable high-performance network infrastructure for
the U.S. research and education community. In FY 2002, ANI will
stress extending the reach of high performance networking by:
Providing access to high performance networking
to additional research and educational sites;
Developing new methods for access technology
to extend high performance networks to difficult to reach sites
and end users; and
Developing new middleware for applications to
better serve the requirements of networked applications.
Administration and Management
Administration and Management provides for administrative
activities necessary to enable NSF to achieve its strategic goals.
This includes the cost of Intergovernmental Personnel Act appointments
and contractors performing administrative functions.
Number of People Involved in
CISE Activities
FY 2000
Actual |
FY 2001
Estimate |
FY 2002
Estimate |
Senior Researchers |
2,221 |
2,450 |
2,450 |
Other Professionals |
538 |
650 |
640 |
Postdoctorates |
299 |
340 |
340 |
Graduate Students |
2,878 |
3,300 |
3,400 |
Undergraduate Students |
652 |
850 |
870 |
K-12 Students |
200 |
230 |
250 |
K-12 Teachers |
100 |
120 |
140 |
Total Number of People |
6,888 |
7,940 |
8,090 |
CISE Funding Profile
Actual |
Estimate |
Estimate |
Number of Requests for Funding |
5,272 |
5,500 |
5,500 |
Dollars Requested (in thousands) |
$5,472,937 |
$6,100,000 |
$6,200,000 |
Total Number of Awards |
1,809 |
2,050 |
2,200 |
Statistics for New Competitive
Awards: |
Number |
921 |
1,050 |
1,050 |
Rate |
31% |
28% |
28% |
Median Annualized
Award Size 1 |
$100,000 |
$105,000 |
$105,000 |
Average Annualized
Award Size 1 |
$157,225 |
$160,000 |
$160,000 |
Average Duration
(yrs.) 1 |
3.0 |
3.1 |
3.1 |